Washington, DC
Exhibit Design: Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Photo: Duncan R. Millar

Washington, DC
Exhibit Design: Christopher Chadbourne & Associates
Photo: JayRosenblatt.com

Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: Duncan R. Millar

Yorktown, VA
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: JayRosenblatt.com

Washington, DC
Exhibit Design: Haley Sharpe Design
Photo: Courtesy of National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution

Atlanta, GA
Exhibit Design: Rockwell Group
Photo: Gene Philips Photography

Washington, DC
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: ©Albert Vecerka / Esto

Los Angeles, CA
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: John Linden

Williamsport, PA
Exhibit Design: Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.
Photo: Kwesi Budu-Arthur

Philadelphia, PA
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: Jay Rosenblatt.com

Shelby, NC
Exhibit Design: MFM Design
Photo: Randy McNeilly, McNeilly Photography, Shelby, North Carolina

Louisville, KY
Exhibit Design: Gallagher & Associates
Photo: Jay Rosenblatt.com

Charleston, WV
Exhibit Design: RSL Commercial Architecture
Photo: Rob Witzel