The first artifact has been installed at the new National Museum of the United States Army. On Monday, July 31, 2017, dozens of workers carefully laid into place an M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle. The M3 Bradley was the lead vehicle in the 2003 charge from Kuwait to Baghdad during the Iraq War. Construction will continue around the macro artifact.
D&P Project Manager Christine DeMorro (right) supervises installation of NMUSA's first artifact.
As the capstone museum of the Army Museum Enterprise, the National Army Museum will provide the only comprehensive portrayal of the Army’s 240-year-old history and traditions. Located at Fort Belvoir, VA—near George Washington’s Mount Vernon—the Museum’s opening date is set for 2019. Design and Production Incorporated is providing exhibit fabrication and installation services for the new museum.
D&P and Clark Construction install Sherman tank. August 3, 2017