Design and Production Incorporated’s newest museum project is on the horizon. The new 137,000 square foot Tennessee State Museum with 46,000 sq. feet of exhibit galleries opens to the public October 4, 2018. Designed by Gallagher & Associates, the new museum will features highly interactive experiences that will engage and delight.
In 2015, recognizing the important educational and pride value of Tennessee’s history, the state of Tennessee made a commitment to building a new home for the Tennessee State Museum.
“Since we first started working on this project, the plan was to build a 100-year museum to showcase the rich history of our state and provide a memorable experience to visitors of all ages.”
The local press featured behind-the-scenes footage of the new exhibition’s scope.
Nashville’s newest contribution to arts and culture promises to deliver on Haslam’s pledge. The Tennessee State Museum’s Executive Director Ashley Howell pointed out that, “Tennessee has stories to tell.” She predicts visitors will respond enthusiastically to new, interactive exhibits. “Particularly exciting is the way we tell these stories. We know that everyone engages with museums differently, whether you enjoy exploring artifacts and images, viewing documentary films, or interacting with touch-screen displays.”
The Museum’s permanent galleries examine the state’s natural history in addition to the diverse generations who have made their homes in Tennessee. The Tennessee Time Tunnel serves as the backbone for the entire permanent gallery experience. The permanent galleries include:
Natural History
First Peoples (13,000 BCE to 1760 CE)
Forging a Nation (1760-1860)
The Civil War and Reconstruction (1860-1870)
Change and Challenge (1870 to 1945)
Tennessee Transforms (1945 to Present)
“This Isn’t Just a Museum, It’s history you live.”